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More than 30 years of experience

Clínicas Oftalmejía was founded in 1983 and since then it provides integral eye care services. It has a professional attention team and the latest technology to resolve the most frequent ailments in the population.

The clinic counts with a group of different ophthalmologists whom are specialized on different areas and work under the tutelage of the clinic founder, Dr. Carlos Mejía Leiva.


Surgery department

We are pioneers in surgical procedures.

• Cataract extraction by phacoemulsification (without suture)
• Vitrectomy and retina surgery
• Palpebral and orbital surgery
• Glaucoma
• Strabismus
• Corneal transplantation
• Keratoconus (intracorneal ring segments and corneal crosslinking)


Laser procedures

Our team of professionals works with the best equipment to achieve optimal results.

• PRK and LASIK surgery for myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia by excimer laser. 
• Y.A.G laser
• Argon laser
• SLT laser procedure for glaucoma


Eye exams

Providing you with vision is our #1 goal.

• Endolethial cell count
• Corneal topography
• Treatment for Macular Degeneration
• Intraocular lens power calculation
• Optical coherence tomography
• Computerized visual fields
• Fluorescein angiography- Ocular ultrasound
• Optometric Services and Microsurgery operating rooms


our team of proffesionals

Dr. Carlos M. Mejía Leiva
Cataract and refractive surgery


Dr. Randall Ulate
Córnea y Segmento Anterior

Dr. Adolfo Rodríguez Chung
Retina y vítreo

Dr. Jorge Fonseca
Cirugía Palpebral y Orbitaria

Dra. Tatiana Soriano
Imagenes en Oftalmología

Dr. Alejandro Bolaños

Dra. Irene Ulloa


Dr. Juan Carlos Gutiérrez
Glaucoma, Retina y Vítreo



Eye Floaters

They look like small specks, dots, circles or cobwebs that seem to move around within your field of vision in one or both eyes. Floaters are usually perceived more easily while reading, looking at the sky or at an empty wall.

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The different types of glaucoma affect the ocular drainage system by not allowing the intraocular liquid to drain. This causes higher intraocular pressure which damages the optical nerve, resulting in visual field loss.

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It is the full or partial clouding of the eye lens which leads to a progressive vision loss. Cataracts can be the cause for blurry eyesight, it can make bright colors seem dimmed and a diminished night vision.

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LASIK Surgery

Our ophthalmologists are trained to work with the latest technology such as the Nidek-EC 5000, the best for refractive surgery to correct myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia.

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If you have any questions please feel free to email us at oftalmej@oftalmejia.com or send us a message through the following questionnaire:

San José

From Autos Hyundai 75mts N,
Dent Blvd.
Tel: (506) 2281-0825
Fax: (506) 2225-0375


Avenues 1st and 3rd, 4th St

Tel: (506) 2552-4343
Fax: (506) 2552-4870

P.O. Box

Cartago- Costa Rica